How to F# - Part 7

Working with collections

Functional F# .NET

So after much threatening in past posts, we will finally be diving a little deeper into collections in F#. We will look at a few of the most commonly used functions on the collection modules by manipulating a list of people that we randomly generate.

So lets go through a few common actions you would want to do on a collection. We will use list as an example through most of this post but what we learn applies to array and seq as well. Before we do that though let us briefly touch on the map type again.

All the beautiful people (Creating data)

To work with lists we will need some data. Often data comes in the form of tables we need to join together. We will start simple though. Lets create 2 maps with numbers corresponding to the first names for the 1st and second names for the other.

# First name # Last name
1 Sue 1 Ali
2 Bob 2 Khan
3 Neo 3 Jacobs
4 Fen 4 Jensen
5 An Si 5 Wu
6 Jan 6 Lee

We will use these to generate a list of people later.

let fNames = [ (1, "Sue"); (2, "Bob"); (3, "Neo"); (4, "Fen"); (5, "An Si" ); (6, "Jan")] |> Map.ofList
let lNames = [ (1, "Ali"); (2, "Khan"); (3, "Jacobs"); (4, "Jensen"); (5, "Wu" ); (6, "Lee")] |> Map.ofList

// Map<int,string> -> Map<int,string> -> int -> string
let generateName fnames lnames i =
    let random = new System.Random(i) //don't new up  Random every time in a real app
    let fo = random.Next(1,6) // get a random number between 1 - 6
    let lo = random.Next(1,6) // get a random number between 1 - 6
    sprintf "%s %s" (Map.find fo fnames) (Map.find lo lnames)

// int -> string
let nameGen = generateName fNames lNames

We curry generateName with the maps of fNames (first names) and lNames (last names) transforming a function of signature Map<int,string> -> Map<int,string> -> int -> string into int -> string.

So calling nameGen will give us a random name like "An Ali" or "Neo Jenson". Firstly we create 2 maps created from lists of int * string tuples using Map.ofList. In the generateName function we randomly get a first name and last name from the maps by using Map.find which has the signature of 'Key -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T. Basically given a key and a map, it will return the value found at that key. Since we randomly generate the key, we get a random name each time.

And there was light (Creating a list)

Although we can create a list with [ expression ] lets look at the Map.init function which has the signature int -> (int - 'T) -> 'T list. Lets break this down:

  1. int - size of the list to create
  2. (int - 'T) - a function that takes in the current position in the list being generated and returns an instance of type 'T to place at that position
  3. 'T list - the list that will be created of type 'T

So we want to create a Person list. We need a function int -> Person. We curry in the nameGen to generate a Person with a randomly generated name.

type Person = { Id:int; Name:string }
// (int -> string) -> int -> Person
let generatePerson gen i = { Id = i; Name = gen(i) }
// int -> Person
let personGen = generatePerson nameGen

let people = List.init 10 personGen

So people will be a list of 10 Person instances.

    { Id = 0; Name = "Wu Fen" }  
    { Id = 1; Name = "Bob Ali" }  
    { Id = 2; Name = "Fen Jacobs" }  
    { Id = 3; Name = "Bob Jensen" }
    { Id = 4; Name = "An Si Wu" }  
    { Id = 5; Name = "Bob Khan" }
    { Id = 6; Name = "An Si Jacobs" }  
    { Id = 7; Name = "Bob Wu" }  
    { Id = 8; Name = "An Si Ali" }  
    { Id = 9; Name = "Neo Jensen" }

These are not the elements you are looking for (Finding an element)

Now that we have a list, lets see how we work with it. A common need while programming is to find an element in a collection.

let bob = people |> List.find (fun p -> p.Name.StartsWith("Bob"))

We use List.find which has the signature ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T. In our case that would be a function (Person -> bool) that returns true if it is the element you are looking for. Now this is all good and well if there is a "Bob" in the list. But it is a randomly generated collection of names, what if we want to find a specific "Bob" and he isn't in the list?

let bob = people |> List.find (fun p -> p = "Bob Khan")

Assuming you do not have a "Bob Khan" in your list, you will get an exception thrown.

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.

Remember in a previous post we dealt with handling cases when there is no data using option. Well this is one of those times. Lets use a very similar function to List.find called List.tryFind that has the signature ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T option.

let maybeBob = people |> List.tryFind (fun p -> p.Name = "Bob Khan")

val maybeBob : Person option = Some {Id = 5; Name = "Bob Khan";} OR val maybeBob : Person option = None

So depending on whether the list contains someone named "Bob Khan" the function will return Some or None.

Take what you need (Filtering a list)

Sometimes we are not looking for a specific element but multiple elements. Maybe we are looking for elements that match some criteria or are wanting to exclude based on something. Either way we are wanting to filter the collection. For lists we use the List.filter function which has the signature ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T list.

let bobs = people |> List.filter (fun p -> p.Name.StartsWith("Bob"))

So given a function that returns true if the element should be in the list, you will get a new list with the matching elements in it.

    { Id = 1; Name = "Bob Ali" }  
    { Id = 3; Name = "Bob Jenson" }  
    { Id = 5; Name = "Bob Khan" }  
    { Id = 7; Name = "Bob Wu" }

So in my list, 4 out of 10 people had a first name of "Bob".

A change is as good as a holiday (Working with list elements)

Imagine we have our collection of people but a request comes in that the names be in the format Surname, First Names. First things first, lets write a function leadingLastName that will take in "Neo Jensen" and transform it to "Jensen, Neo" and "An Si Ali" to "Ali, An Si".

// char -> string -> string[]
let split (sep:char) (s:string) = s.Split([|sep|])

// string -> string
let leadingLastName (name:string) = 
    let lastNameToFront (names:string array) = 
        match names with
        | [||] -> ""
        | [|x|] -> x
        | [|x;y|] -> String.concat ", " ([|y;x|])
        | _ -> [|yield ([Array.last names;","] |> String.concat ""); for i=0 to ((Array.length names)-2) do yield names.[i] |] |> String.concat " "

    name |> split ' '

This uses match to pattern match on the array. Lets break it down quickly:

  1. [||] -> "" - Matches when array is empty: return name is empty
  2. [|x|] -> x - Matches when name is a single element: name is a single name like "Cher"
  3. [|x;y|] -> String.concat ", " ([|y;x|]) - Matches when array is 2 elements: name and surname so swaps and adds a ,
  4. _ - this one is quite complex but basically it moves the last element to the front and adds a , after it

Next we will use leadingLastName with which has the signature ('T -> 'U) -> 'T list -> 'U list. We have seen map (the function not the type) before when we learned about option. Although map can map from a value to a value of any other type, in that case we went from string -> string with name to email. In this case we will also go from string to string. Just remember you can map to different types.

let withLeadingLName =  people |> (fun p -> {p with Name = (leadingLastName p.Name)})

    { Id = 0; Name = "Wu, Fen" }  
    { Id = 1; Name = "Ali, Bob" }  
    { Id = 2; Name = "Jacobs, Fen" }  
    { Id = 3; Name = "Jenson, Bob" }  
    { Id = 4; Name = "Wu, An Si" }

We supplied map an inline function (fun p -> {p with Name = (leadingLastName p.Name)}) that takes a Person and uses leadingLastName to return a new Person with the name changed.

Get it sorted (sorting elements)

Often we care about the order of the elements in a collection. We can use one of the sorting functions to get a new sorted list back. List.sortBy has the signature ('T -> 'Key) -> 'T list -> 'T list.

let sorted = withLeadingLName |> List.sortBy (fun p -> p.Name)
    { Id = 8; Name = "Ali, An Si" }  
    { Id = 1; Name = "Ali, Bob" }  
    { Id = 6; Name = "Jacobs, An Si" }  
    { Id = 2; Name = "Jacobs, Fen" }  
    { Id = 9; Name = "Jacobs, Neo" }  

So we pass it a function to determine what to sort by and then the list and we will get back the sorted list, in this case by the Name string.

Family business (Grouping)

What if our next task was to group the people by their last name? Well with the built in list functions this is very simple.

// Person -> string
let getLastName person = person.Name |> split ',' |> Array.head
let groupedByLName = withLeadingLName |> List.groupBy getLastName
    ("Wu", [{Id = 0; Name = "Wu, Fen";}; {Id = 4; Name = "Wu, An Si";}; {Id = 7; Name = "Wu, Bob";}]);
    ("Ali", [{Id = 1; Name = "Ali, Bob";}; {Id = 8; Name = "Ali, An Si";}]);

We use the List.groupBy function which has the signature ('T -> 'Key) -> 'T list -> ('Key * 'T list) list. Lets break that down.

  1. ('T -> 'Key) - a function that will take an element from the list and return a key to group by. In our case it should take a Person and return their last name.
  2. 'T list - the original list that needs grouping
  3. ('Key * 'T list) list - a list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is the key and the second is a list of elements that matched with that key

Less random

As a final demonstration, lets look at a less used function of list. At the beginning of this post we had 2 lists with the names. What if we didn't care about it being random? What if we just joined the 1st first name to the 1st last name and continued on like that down the lists.

let fNames = [ "Sue"; "Bob"; "Neo"; "Fen"; "An Si" ; "Jan"]
let lNames = [ "Ali"; "Khan"; "Jacobs"; "Jenson"; "Wu"; "Lee"]
let names = fNames lNames |> (fun (fname,lname) -> sprintf "%s, %s" lname fname)

val names : string list = ["Ali, Sue"; "Khan, Bob"; "Jacobs, Neo"; "Jenson, Fen"; "Wu, An Si"; "Lee, Jan"]

We used the function that takes 2 lists and zips them together into a list of tuples made up of an element from the 1st list and and element from the second.


So we finally got to dive into working with collections. In this post you learned how to create, map, sort, group, and even zip a list. Remember that the functions we worked with here are also available on the Array and Seq modules.

In a coming post we will be dealing with error handling.


  1. Lists
  2. For fun and profit List module functions


  1. Background image by Jack Reichert
  2. Social image by Patrik Göthe

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