Better error handling

Part 3 of Designing clear method signatures

Clean Code OOP Functional

In my previous post I discussed handling null and Exception in the return type. In this post I will discuss returning logic errors.

Handling errors

There are times when valid errors can occur but are not exceptional. Validation is a common example of this and where a validation result is often the go to type. Wouldn't it be nice if we could apply the same pattern as with exceptions?

Either: Errors or no errors

Functional languages define a type with the following form: Either<Left, Right>. Left and Right can be anything but in the case of error handling Left is the unhappy path and Right is the happy path. Let's assume we have an Error type for representing errors that occurred, then using Either to represent error handling could look something like this: Either<IEnumerable<Error>, T>. Error has an implicit conversion to string so let's work with string for demonstration purposes below.

Func<int, int, Either<IEnumerable<string>, int>> divide =
    (i, d) =>
        if (d == 0)
            return List("Cannot divided by zero.");

        return (i / d);

Either<IEnumerable<string>, int> divideByZeroResult = divide(1, 0);
    Left: errors => errors.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x)),
    Right: i => Console.WriteLine($"Answer is {i}")
//Cannot divide by zero.

Either<IEnumerable<string>, int> twoResult = divide(4, 2);
    Left: errors => errors.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x)),
    Right: i => Console.WriteLine($"Answer is {i}")
//Answer is 2

This works great but Either<IEnumerable<string>, int> is quite a verbose return type definition. If we know we are always going to use IEnumerable<string> as Left why not specify that in the type? Before we do that, we are going to take a quick dive into some functional programming ideas.

Functional side-bar

Lets go through a couple concepts that will come up. Hopefully you read the previous post that introduced Elevated types. Here I will quickly go through working with elevated types.

Return: To the world of elevated types

Return is raising to the world of elevated types. You have already seen examples of return already in this post. Some and None for Option<T> and Left and Right for Either<L, R> are just some return operations.

//return - elevate an int to Option<int>
Option<int> optInt = Option<int>.Some(1);
// Some(1)

Apply - just this part

Apply unpacks a function and applies the first argument then returns an elevated function representing the result.

Func<int, int, int> add = (a, b) => a + b;//function 
Option<int> addOpt = Some(add);//elevate function

var increment = addOpt.Apply(1) ;//apply: b => 1 + b
// Some(6)

Map: ol' switch-a-roo

Map applies the function to the value contained in the elevated value and returns the elevated result. In C# terms Map like LINQ's Select.

Func<int, string> intToString = (i) => i.ToString();
Option<int> optInt = Option<int>.Some(1);
//map - apply function to inner value
Option<string> optString = optInt.Map(intToString);
// Some("1")

Bind: functions in the darkness

"... and in the darkness bind them"

Sorry that was a Lord of the Rings reference. My 2nd name is legally Aragorn (from birth), I didn't stand a chance...
Bind allows you to compose (bind) functions in an elevated world. It is analogous to SelectMany from LINQ fame.

Func<string, Option<int>> ifEvenInt = (s) =>
    if (int.TryParse(s, out int i))
        return (i % 2 == 0) ? Some(i) : None;
        return None;

Func<int, Option<int>> doubleIt = (i) => Some(i * 2);
Func<int, Option<int>> exp = (i) => Some(i * i);

Option<string> optString = optInt.Map("2");

//bind - passes inner value to a function that returns an elevated result
Option<int> eventResult = optString.Bind(ifEvenInt);
// used to combine elevated functions
var worked = eventResult
// Some(16)

If we changed "2" to "1" the output would be None since ifEvenInt would return None which would short-circuit all the Bind calls.

Match: what goes up must come down

Match is the yin to Return's yang. Where Return operations elevate values to the elevated world, Match drops an elevated value back to the real world.

Option<int> optInt = Option<int>.Some(1);
    Some: x => Console.WriteLine(x),
    None: () => Console.WriteLine("Nothing")
// 1

Now that we can get to the elevated world, do what we need to do and then return back through the cupboard, let us get back to the business at hand. Validation!

Validation: Your result (might have errors)

You can find the Validation type in HonestTypes.Returns package

So let's define a type Validation<T> that is Either<IEnumerable<Error>, T>? That would remove some of the verbosity of the return type as well as give a clearer semantic to the type name.

using static F;

public Validation<Person> Validate(Person person)
    if (person == null)
        return Error("Person is null");

    //short circuit on error
    return Valid(person)

private Validation<Person> ValidateFirstNames(Person person)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(person.FirstNames))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(person.FirstNames)} cannot be empty"));

    return person;

private Validation<Person> ValidateLastName(Person person)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(person.LastName))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(person.LastName)} cannot be empty"));

    return person;

private Validation<Person> ValidateEmail(Person person)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)person.Email))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(person.Email)} cannot be empty"));

    return person;

var validatedPerson = service.Validate(person);

    Valid: p => Console.WriteLine($"{p.LastName}, {p.FirstNames} <{p.Email}>"),
    Invalid: err => err.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Message))

The code above uses Bind and short-circuits on the first error. This might not be the desired behaviour. What if we want to check all validations? Here is a version that does that...

public Validation<Person> Validate(Person person)
    if (person == null)
        return Error("Person is null");

    //collect all errors
    return Valid(Person.Create)

Func<FirstNames, Validation<FirstNames>> ValidateFirstNames => firstNames =>
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstNames))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(firstNames)} cannot be empty"));

    return firstNames;

Func<LastName, Validation<LastName>> ValidateLastName => lastName =>
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastName))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(lastName)} cannot be empty"));

    return lastName;

Func<Email, Validation<Email>> ValidateEmail => email =>
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)email))
        return Invalid(Error($"{nameof(email)} cannot be empty"));

    return email;

The above code uses Apply and is applicative so all errors are returned. Notice how the return result is actually a Func that performs the validation.

if you don't like the Func style you can continue to use the Bind syntax but with the applicative nature using Validation types Join method...

//collect all errors
return Valid(person)


And there you have some neat validation logic. If you have any comments or suggestions please leave them below. If you found this useful, please share it with someone who you think might also find it useful.

Recommended Reading

  1. Elevated world
  2. Railway oriented programming

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