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Leader Archetypes

Some thoughts on why people would follow certain styles of leadership

General Life Team Lead

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3 tips for more maintainable unit tests

Avoid having to fix dozens of tests every time you make a significant code change

Clean Code TDD Testing

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Managing Code Complexity

7 tips for keeping code as simple as possible

Clean Code DDD Design Patterns Functional

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Why I got hooked on F#

My path to embracing functional programming

Functional F#

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An argument for functional programming

Convincing your boss to let you use fsharp at work

Functional OOP F# FsAdvent

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Touched by God

Encountering the supernatural or just your own mind?

General Meditation Mindfulness Science

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Hypothesis: Moral behavior is rewarded

Self experimentation and subjective observations on morality

General Morality Science

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Stop comparing EQ and IQ

Reality is a little more uncomfortable

General Productivity Science

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Yoda wants you to be a functional programmer

Bring balance to the f#rce


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Productivity Tips

Some productivity tips in 2017

Productivity Morality Meditation Mindfulness

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